Saturday, 31 October 2009

A quiet Saturday

I am really annoyed about the postal strike - no post for me today, and, therefore, no postcards for my mailart project! My first aim is to recieve 100 postcards. Once I've recieved 100 I will feel like I've gotton somewhere. Once I get to that number I will also try to organise an exhibition, and i will set up a website. (exciting times!) The details for my mail art project are listed here:

Today I have mostly been doing an art project which is based around the subject on Phaedophilia - not a very nice subject, but it has been interesting trying to come up with a piece. I am doing a collage of a childs head made up of adult pornagraphic images. I've been having to buy zoo and nuts magazine, which I can't say I've relished! I've got to get the piece finished by monday - which means i'm going to be working hard tonight and tomorrow!

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